14 2025
the appearance of the convicted terrorist Mohammed Houli Chemlal
is 12:05 noon today, Friday, February 14. Since 5:00 p.m. yesterday, Thursday,
I have been receiving calls from the media, victims and even some political
representatives to give their opinion on the appearance of the convicted
terrorist Mohammed Houli Chemlal in the Commission of Investigation that is
being carried out in the Congress of Deputies as a result of the August 2017
attacks in Catalonia.
begin with and as a victim of the terrorist group ETA in the Hipercor attack in
June 1987, I must say that I have been in many trials against terrorists and
also in various commissions to provide opinion and experience to those who have
requested it and I have never experienced the level of tension that can be
observed now.
having heard Mohammed Houli Chemlal's statement live and carefully reviewed
much of the numerous information published in the different media of different
editorial lines, I present my humble opinion on the matter. This way I will
also be able to refer anyone who wants MY opinion to this writing on MY
personal blog.
begin with, I do not share the opinion that this Commission is the result of
paying political favors. For years and years, different governments have had to
make agreements with other parties of lesser representation to obtain approval
or continuity in the high position of maximum political representation. When
this happened it was called democracy. Now there are those who call it
differently and, obviously, this change in criteria is due to political
motivation. But this whole situation would have been avoided if many of those
who refused to go to the Investigative Committee created in the Parliament of
Catalonia had gone in June 2019, as I already warned in this opinion:
it should be noted that I am not a member of any party, much less have I been
in any party candidacy, whether in municipal, regional, general or European
the statement presented yesterday Thursday by the convicted terrorist Mohammed
Houli Chemlal, he is accused of not providing evidence and, therefore, has no
force. True, it does not provide any evidence, but given this anomalous
situation, I present a series of reflections.
imagine that instead of it having been a gihadist terrorist it had been an ETA
terrorist who said that it should be investigated whether a police or
intelligence body knew, in advance, of the possibility that the terrorist group
ETA was preparing an attack and it finally occurred. I am no longer saying what
would happen if that police or intelligence body depended on a government with
a nationalist or even independence ideology. Would no one really start
investigating from minute one to find out if what the ETA terrorist explains
could have some plausibility?
continue. There are those who denounce that the fact that a person convicted of
terrorism is in the Congress of Deputies is a spectacle or an insult to
democracy. It is indisputable that it is an anomalous situation, but should
that be a reason or excuse for not continuing to investigate? Is that the
respect they offer to the victims they talk so much about? Or does it depend on
the type of terrorism suffered, who deserves more or less of the efforts and
work of some of your honorable Members?
don't know where those who now say that the presence of a terrorist in Congress
is a spectacle were, but, apparently, they do not remember that a high-ranking
political official was a member of a gang classified as terrorist, serving
"for almost three decades in numerous Ministries in the Generalitat
Valenciana, first as a member of the PSOE and then of the PP." We must not
forget that this man “in his youth was active in leftist organizations, first
in the PCE, later in the MCE and finally in the PCE(ml) – FRAP.” Yes, “several
current politicians have been members of the FRAP, including the accused of
corruption Rafael Blasco, a member of the PSOE and later of the Popular Party.”
As? Didn't this man go to the sessions in the Spanish or Valencian Parliament?
for those who do not know, the FRAP was the Antifascist and Patriotic
Revolutionary Front, a Spanish terrorist organization of a communist,
anti-Franco and republican nature, although there are authors who define it
more as an "armed organization" or of "revolutionary
violence." To conclude: “the National Police attributes the murder of five
police officers to FRAP.”
now the problem is that a gihadist terrorist appears in Congress to answer the
questions that may be directed to him from a Commission that investigates the
most likely errors committed and that led to a result of 16 murders and 350
injuries (according to the sentence) and thus, by obtaining answers, something
similar can be prevented from happening again.
the reasons that some give for the creation of this Commission, saying that the
independence ideology is behind it, I can say very loudly and very clearly that
assisting almost 300 victims of the August 2017 attacks, it is obvious that
many, many of these victims do not have that type of political ideology among
their priorities, because regardless of what each one may think on an
individual level, their only priority is to know what mistakes were made so
that they are not repeated.
I had scheduled for today, Friday, to write about the anniversary of the
creation of the UAVAT. Yes, today marks seven years since we had to create the
Unit in response to the evidence we received about the neglect received by many
victims of the attacks committed six months earlier. And remember the work done
in these seven years and insist on the proposals presented to the
administrations to continue improving assistance in Catalonia to victims of
I will leave it for when the whirlwind caused by the presence of the convicted
terrorist Mohammed Houli Chemlal is over. Just as an example, one of the
numerous news items published on this blog in relation to the creation of the
Unit exactly seven years ago.
waiting for the next appearance at the Investigation Commission with the hope
that the contribution and opinion of two victims and a psychologist will not be
a reason for so much discussion
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